Introduction: Sander and Friends

When Sander was a motherless girl named Kate Collins in the village of Saffron Walden, her Gran raised her and her younger brother Johnny in their earliest years. Though Kate hadn’t the patience to learn Gran’s healing skills, she thrived through her love and...

Sander and Moll Frith

Sander Cooke has three close women friends in Bedtrick, each rebellious in her own way. On a scale of scandal, Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke is the least, Amelia Bassano Lanyer more so, and Moll Cutpurse, as Moll Frith was sometimes known, the most. Sander...

From Clowns to Fools: Kemp to Armin

  Bedtrick spans the years 1599-1603, a dramatic time in London. Sander Cooke’s personal challenges define the plot, but so too the tensions during that era in politics and theatre. One change that subtly reflects the times is the nature of clowning. What...

A Note on the Title

“Bedtrick: sex with a partner who pretends to be someone else.” Introduction, Wendy Doniger, The Bedtrick: Tales of Sex and Masquerade, University of Chicago, 2000. Two of Shakespeare’s plays, All’s Well That Ends Well and Measure for Measure, make use of the plot...

Thomas Nashe’s Plague Poem

Here is Thomas Nashe’s poem, ‘A Litany in the Time of Plague,’ in full. Bubonic plague was way more vicious than Covid-19 with less medical understanding. So Nashe, also known for his satirical and erotic poems, may seem overly dramatic to our ears. But it’s the most...